Small Victories with
Awesomeness TV

We were featured in Mobilize, an AwesomenessTV original series that connects with young activists who founded organizations that bring social good to their communities. We worked with Alyson Stoner, Ricky Thompson, and Aaron Burriss to create a photo shoot that celebrated our small, every-day victories that can often be overlooked. When you are living with chronic illness, it's easy to be hard on yourself and not take the time to celebrate your accomplishments. You should be proud of yourself for going to the grocery store, getting to work that day, or just waking up in the morning. This episode and photo shoot focused on that concept. 

Photography by Jake Thomas 
Mobilize is presented by Visible


What’s your Small Victory?


"My small victory is waking up in the morning."

- Stephanie Ordaz


"I can now say no to things that aren't important so I can say yes to things that are most important. As a woman with narcolepsy, my energy comes in waves and when I have high energy, I feel invincible and over-commit myself because there’s so much I want to do as an advocate and community member. A fellow person with narcolepsy recently described this as: our 'elevator doors' of wakefulness tend to close sooner than we wish each day. Saying no to the things that don’t matter so I can say yes to the things that matter most is my small victory because it take daily discipline for me to stop before committing to something new to look inward and ask myself questions like: 'Is flying across the country to be part of a one day meeting on this particular topic the best use of my limited energy?' This also means I have to be clear on my priorities and actually walk away from certain opportunities. I’m still learning how to flex my 'no' muscle more consistently, but I know that when i do, this allowed me to prioritize my biggest goals, along with my health and happiness." 

- Julie Flygare


"I haven't had a severe flare up in over two years. Not having a flare in about 2 years has been absolutely liberating. After years of flares, trial and error for medications, hospital visits, and sickness, I was starting to lose hope for something positive to happen. A new set of medications and a mostly clear colonoscopy later, I'm finally in remission (for now). This disease has been, and still is, a battle- but it's taught me so much about myself, and I'm stronger than I've ever been."

- Gianna Gravelese


"I'm proud to inhabit a sick female body. Sick women have been labeled 'hysteric' throughout history. There is ample evidence and research into how women have been mistreated in the medical system as a whole, even today. But living with illness is an experience with patience, persistence and kindness with yourself and your body and it braces us for this system. The sick woman is a radical body."

- Siobhan Hebron


"I've been unapologetically honest about my bad days. Being upfront about when I'm in pain or not feeling well has been a struggle for me ever since I got diagnosed with #lupus. I've always sugarcoated my experience when that was not how I actually felt. I was afraid to be seen as negative, dramatic, or overreacting. I've been pushing myself to be honest about how I feel, no matter how it may sound or be perceived. Sometimes things just suck and that's the reality. Being open about it helps me to process my own experience while giving the people in my life insight into what it's really like to be chronically ill. It's truly been liberating."

- Erica Lupinacci